Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 1st

Prompts I took & Completed:

  • Now & Later (Alicia) - 
    “Now, now, since when has Simmons been capable of such hate?” Cerise asked.

    “I know, I know,” I said, following the crowd into the hallway, the speeches must have ended while I was lost in my own little world, “I’ve just begun to doubt myself is all.  The position is never going to get posted.”

    “It will, sooner or later.”
  • Nerds (Alicia) -
    I walked into Clyde’s, our regular bar, behind Cerise only to find that most of the usual bar decorations had been covered up by signs that read “Congrats NERDS.”
  • Life Sized (Alicia) -
    “Fine, not a giant nerd, but at least a life-sized one,” Cerise responded with a grin.
  • Castle (Cylithria) -
    One picture was of an old looking castle, somewhere in the English countryside I guessed.
  • Serena (Serena) -
    The next memo I read came from Serena Mallory, the head of security and Cerise’s direct supervisor.
  • Cornerstone by Artic Monkeys (Serena) -
    I moved on to the next picture, which was of a decorated cornerstone of a fancy red brick building.
  • Mysterious message from the future (Lauren) -
    I began to read the document Cerise was typing in last which was, oddly, a letter to me, dated three days from now.
  • "Do you like giraffes?" (Jupiter) -
    The man at Cerise’s door chuckled, “Do you like giraffes?”
  • Describe a character's hair style (Writingfreak) -
    The man at Cerise’s door ran a hand through his thick, dark hair

Prompts I took and did not complete:

  • Branding Iron (Cianano)
  • Apanthropinization (Serena)
  • Something unexpected pulled out of a pocket (Lauren)
  • Evil carrying a martini tray (Jupiter)

The Rules:

  1. I only take prompts from @NaNoWordSprints.
  2. I don't take my own prompts.
  3. Prompts are taken from sprints I take part in or sprints that are happening while I'm working on my novel.
  4. If multiple prompts are given during one sprint, I may choose only one prompt, if I desire.
  5. All prompts must be worked into my novel by November 30th.  (Including prompts given on the 30th.)
  6. I have the right to make up more rules as I think of them.


  1. Can we read the novel?
  2. When?
    .....Sometime in December.

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